Inclusive Hiring

Inclusive Hiring: The Open Road: Terence’s Inspiring CDL Journey

In a world that often neglects people returning home from incarceration and trying to rebuild their life, the path toward employment can be challenging. Terence's journey shines as a beacon of hope for others facing similar, and what can seem like impossible, obstacles. With determination and the transitional support of the Center for Employment Opportunities (CEO), he proved the power of a fair chance and the impact of comprehensive reentry programs.

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Inclusive Hiring: Returning Strong: Darrius comes full circle by joining CEO staff that first inspired him

Today, Darrius is an eloquent and reflective leader who pours his heart into the work of helping individuals returning home from incarceration. But it wasn’t long ago Darrius was on the other side, unsure what his life would look like after prison.

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Inclusive Hiring: A path to fulfillment: Ubaldo’s journey to helping others after overcoming adversity

Looking at his life today, Ubaldo sometimes has to pinch himself. “I tell my wife all the time, am I dreaming?,” he says, “It’s so wonderful. I’m so proud of where I am professionally and personally.”

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Inclusive Hiring: Fair Chance Conversations: Legal Perspectives on Fair Chance Hiring with Stan Ball

Stan Ball, Vice President, and Chief Litigation Counsel at Eaton Corporation, recently sat down with members of the Levelset team to talk about the company’s rationale and motivation to develop and implement Fair Chance Hiring practices. Stan speaks on his experience as a lawyer and provides helpful background on evaluating risk in hiring people with past convictions.

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Inclusive Hiring: Why I Teamed Up with LinkedIn to Create a Resource for Job-Seekers with a Criminal Record

Going to court while incarcerated is one of the most nerve-wracking experiences; you lie awake throughout the night because the anxiety of the unknown permeates your thoughts. Early in the morning, while the rest of the world is fast asleep, you hear your name through the loud intercom, and the door that has kept you locked away from the world opens up so you can approach your fate. As you walk out of the door, you double your socks because the ankle cuffs that will soon restrain your steps from full stride will inevitably leave you scraped.

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Inclusive Hiring: Fair Chance Conversations: Keilon Ratliff, Kelly Services

In our most recent fair chance conversation Salomon Moreno-Rosa and Matt Joyce had a conversation with Keilon Ratliff of Kelly services. Ratliff discussed how, as a staffing firm, Kelly Services has been able to drive the conversation about fair chance hiring at their client companies.

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Inclusive Hiring: From participant to advocate, RayVon is advancing criminal legal system reforms

RayVon is dedicated to working as a champion for the rights of people impacted by the criminal legal system. “My goal is to have my voice heard and my advocacy recognized,” he says.

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Inclusive Hiring: Aspen Institute Releases a Rework Reentry Playbook

Next Chapter has become a project of the Tides Center, and 13 more major companies have become partners, committing to hire returning persons and share their experiences with others.

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Inclusive Hiring: Paying forward his opportunities, Ronnie now helps others succeed

Ronnie knows something about hard work. Growing up on a small farm in Yuba County, Calif., Ronnie and his four younger siblings helped care for the family’s chickens and other animals, including milking the cow every morning and evening.

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Inclusive Hiring: Fair chance conversations: From pilot to companywide strategy with Ken Kuwamura, Union Pacific

Ken Kuwamura of Union Pacific Railroad breaks down how they have developed their talent acquisition strategy to include Fair Chance opportunities. Union Pacific began their Fair Chance Employment pilot in Houston in 2021 and since then have grown their efforts to Los Angeles and the Twin Cities.

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Inclusive Hiring: Will you be an advocate for inclusive hiring at your workplace?

Inclusive hiring helps maximize access to talent for employers while ensuring that past convictions do not prevent qualified people from joining the workforce.

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Inclusive Hiring: Karina embraces her path as an advocate for criminal legal system reform

When distractions don’t cloud your eyes, the world is bright, and your road is clear as day. This is the newfound perspective of Karina from Los Angeles, California.

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Inclusive Hiring: What does the increase in demand for justice-impacted workers mean?

In the summer of 2022, Harvard Business School published a working paper exploring how employers conduct and leverage criminal background checks. Hiring managers at 1,000 businesses were asked whether they would consider and hire Workers with a Criminal Record (WCs) given the availability and demand for employees

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Inclusive Hiring: Increasing the demand for workers with a criminal record

Harvard Business School published a working paper outlining a field experiment conducted in partnership with a nationwide staffing platform to test approaches that more directly address the reasons that employers may conduct criminal background checks.

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